Friday, December 2, 2011

When Two Lesbians Raise A Baby

I'm not going to preach, but I do want to comment on this video that's been popping up all over Facebook and the rest of the Internet.

I know there are a lot of reasons for people to be opposed to gay marriage,  but this shouldn't be one of them. Research has consistently shown that homosexual couples are equally, if not better, able to raise families, despite facing a lot of pressure due to society's prejudice against them.

Still, there are states that ban them from adopting just as they ban them from marrying. Someday, I suppose, people will look back on this and other minorities' struggles for their rights and shake their heads at our misplaced concern. But for now, there are so many children going to bed alone that could be living with loving moms or dads. For me, those families-that-could-be are the most tragic part of this whole fight.

More Blessed Word Count: 13,864

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