I've gotten 450 more words written in the past few days and I finally have plans for a lot more. The writing/imagining block I was dealing with has been shattered by two revelations that are breathing life into an idea I first came up with...hmm, I guess earlier this year.
Revelation One: I need to be writing this story in first person. I haven't thought of this or most of my other ideas with a first person perspective. One or two things, yes, but those were pretty bad ideas. For this one, at least so far, it's working. There's kind of a stream of consciousness thing going on and it's flowing smoothly right now.
Revelation Two: I need to throw in third person scenes from the past to complement my first person narrative. This way, I can use my original starting point, a third person account of MC's registration and also throw in a bunch of other info without having to have long, long, long conversations about the past all the time. I'm thinking this will explain other characters' motivations since non-omniscient MC will be telling most of the story.
I'm hoping, especially with this long weekend, that I'll get up to (oh, let's aim high) 3000 words. It shouldn't be that hard, since I already have the stream of consciousness going and a few ideas for my flashback chapters too. Cross your fingers!
Official More Blessed Word Count: 704 and counting
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