My brain is about to conk out on me (also, I'm really surprised that the Firefox dictionary recognizes the word 'conk') so this won't be very long.
I had a very productive Friday and today, writing and planning wise. I am up to 2709 words (not my goal, but still awesome considering I didn't touch a computer for the 48 hours that are Saturday and Sunday). Also, I now have a very pretty ancestry tree for the MC. Also, a year-by-year calendar of events. Also, names!
My shapeshifting MC is Delanna, called Delaney by her friends (mostly imaginary) and her mother is Magdalena, Magda for short. I've also been using my list of random names that happened to fit my broad theme. Delaney has a father, grandparents, and a whole cast of new friends with very suspicious motives. I have a better sense of the plot and roles of all these characters and I think this is going to turn out halfway decent :)
I think I had thought of some other vaguely interesting thing to talk about, but as I mentioned before, brain = not quite functioning. I hope it wasn't too witty or exciting. I would hate to be disappointing.
Also, Google looks awesome today. You have twenty minutes to see what I'm talking about.
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