Saturday, September 17, 2011

Delaney Changes my Mind (Again)

I'm writing More Blessed in present tense now.

I've been going back and forth on whether I really wanted to do that for a while now. I started in past tense because that's what feels natural for books in general. But then I'd keep writing bits of it in present without really realizing it. So last night, writing more of the first chapter, I did half in past and half in present.

And I figured out that the parts I like best are the parts I've written in present. Delaney just did not like talking about stuff in past. The whole thing is getting switched over today, except the flashbacks, because those would obviously be weird and confusing if they weren't in the past. I'm finally glad I haven't written much because then it would have been absolutely horrible to change all those verbs.

Hopefully this also means that I can go back into my stream-of-consciousness thing that I used when I first went over to first person. I was using present tense for that part (the original first chapter) but then somehow I managed to switch over to past without realizing how awkward that was. So I should be able to flesh out the intro this weekend and then set some more plot down. As of right now, I have no idea how this thing is going to end.

The Official More Blessed Word Count? 4,200 words, with more coming after I actually do my homework.

Because I forgot to say something yesterday (and I just like pictures).

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