Thursday, May 17, 2012

Halfway Done

I decided to be super ambitious this year and set my goal at reading 150 books.

I'm already halfway to that point and still have 7 1/2 months of reading to go.

I think it's safe to say that I have had a very productive 5 months. This is mainly due to my lack of reliable access to computers and/or Internet. [And getting a car so I can drive myself to the library.] I finally am getting my laptop fixed, but then I come home and the Internet quits working for like five days. This is always what happens with me and technology.

At least the most recent books have all been really great. I still have trouble quitting reading books even when I can tell they're going to be bad I won't like them. Hence, the number of books I rated 2 stars [the one that has 1 star, I skipped through a lot].

Nevertheless, so many wonderful wonderful books.
I don't think I have anything else to say at this point. I've just been meaning to get something posted for a while and then noticed how many books I'd already read. And I'll be driving all over Texas [or just making a triangle between home, apartment, family and back home, but "all over" isn't so lengthy] this next week and doubt I'll be close to a computer during all that.

Instead, I'll probably get a lot more reading done.

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