Monday, January 7, 2013

My 2012 Favorite Things

2012 was an...interesting year for me. I feel like I have to divide it into thirds: San Marcos life, summer life, and being at home life. Looking back, I can't see how any of these have any resemblance to each other, except for the fact that I spend as much time as I can on books, TV shows, movies, and the Internet. It's a bizarre feeling. But anyways, I feel obligated to do a "year in review" kind of post, and since I haven't found much time for writing it this week, I'm doing it entirely in photos. Because I can, and because pictures are pretty.

I have now read all five of these John Green books

The Hunger Games made me cry but I watched it again anyways

Noomi Rapace was fabulous in Prometheus


The Avengers took over my life when I finally watched it in September

I devoured all 6 and a half seasons of (new) Doctor Who

I wished I was watching Community

I became obsessed with The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Samantha Barks and the cast of Les Miserables were brilliant

Silver Linings Playbook may be the best movie I watched all year. Plus, I enjoyed a comedy!

And finally, I got 129 (and a half) books read this year

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