So the question: why do you need to buy books and read them over and over again? After all, what's there to anticipate? You already know how the book ends. Except...
Things I Remembered about
The Hobbit from Reading It 10 Years Ago
- Bilbo Baggins
- Gandalf
- Dwarves
- Dragons and guarded treasure
- Trolls
- Out of the frying pan and into the fire
- Ponies being eaten
I had to reread it to prepare for the movie finally coming out. |
Things I Realized I
Should Have Remembered While Rereading
- Unexpected dinner party at Bilbo's
- Hanging out with Elrond
- Gollum and the Ring
- Goblins/orcs and Wargs and almost being eaten
- The eagles saving the day, twice
- Beorn, the bear guy
- The sketchy forest, including giant spiders and almost being eaten
- Wood-elves being rather silly
- Floating in barrels
- The secret door
- Bilbo riddling with the dragon and almost being burnt and eaten
- The giant battle at the end
- Other things that I already can't remember happening
This makes me want it to be December, for once. |
Even with a good memory, there's a lot you forget about books you haven't read in a while. There's a
ton you forget about books you haven't read in a long while. But you'll always remember whether you liked a book or not, and sometimes you need to know ahead of time that a book is going to make you smile.
I mean, look at this. |
And also, the publishing industry kind of needs your money.
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