Thursday, January 5, 2012

Laptop, Reemerging

I've created a monster.

Not a literal monster of course. A literary monster, in the form of my previously mentioned little sister.

[This monster talk reminds me of the soundtrack our director put together when we performed The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds in high school. (By the way, this is the most heartbreaking, beautiful play I have ever been a part of. If it's ever playing near you, go see it. And then think of me playing Janice Vickery.) This was my song:

Sorry there's no visual to go along with it. The live version was harder to hear.]

It seems I sparked something in her little brain last month when I showed her all the research and notes that have gone into More Blessed - namely, a map and some ancestry trees. Now she's gone and started her own book (and at a slightly younger age than I started, too!) with it's own cut-and-paste Europe map and some strange families/characters.

If imitation is the highest form of flattery, this kid has been buttering me up for the past couple of years. She started theater in middle school (just like me), absolutely love architecture and houses (me too!), plays handbells (this one really goes to my mom), is a picky eater (although worse than I am), etc.

Although considering how many times she bit/hit/yelled at me not-so-long-ago, maybe I deserve some flattery now :)

More Blessed Word Count: 17,029

You know how excited I was to write a ton over winter break? Yeah, that hasn't happened. My only excuse is that I haven't turned my laptop on for days (allowing me time to hang out with family and read a bunch of books). Making a resolution to waste less time on the Internet has the unexpected consequence of also spending less time writing. I'll be working on re-motivating myself in my last week and a half of freedom from school.

Also, Happy New Year! I just realized this is January's first post.

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