Sunday, October 9, 2011

Oh The Irony

Why have I never gone to a book festival before?  More importantly, why could I not have realized this a year or even a week ago? Free Austin Teen Book Festival last weekend? I was home the whole time, so I'm not that crushed to have forgotten about it, but still.

Then I got excited about the Texas Book Festival that's also in Austin and that happens to be the weekend of October 22. When I will be going home again! I don't understand why these dates have to be so ironic!

I love the sight of a nice tall stack of books.

Then again, maybe I do. This is the stack of books I just checked out from the library. It's a beautiful, gigantic stack, but these represent only 4% of the nearly 300 books on my to-be-read list. This is why I shouldn't go to book festivals - I already have too many books recommendations and I have a lovely library to supply me with all the books I want. For free!

I'm still a bit bitter. Just think, all those gorgeous books in one room together...curse you, cosmic irony! (Is that the right one? Or is it dramatic? I haven't needed to remember in a long time.) Someday, I will go to a festival and meet really awesome authors and maybe even be one myself :)

Official More Blessed Word Count: 7,731

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